Specification of the Quoridor Text Protocol

2015 - 2021


Spyros Avlonitis, Giannos Chatziagapis

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Protocol Basics

1.1 Character Set

All messages exchanged in this protocol are to be considered as 8-bit character sequences. Only characters in the US-ASCII character set (ANSI X3.4-1986) are used for standardized commands and responses. Other characters may be used in comments (section 1.9) but there is no preferred character set specified for those.

1.2 Control Characters

Character values 0-31 and 127 are control characters in ASCII. The following control characters have a specific meaning in the protocol:

HT (dec 9) Horizontal Tab, CR (dec 13) Carriage Return, LF (dec 10) Line Feed

All other control characters must be discarded on input and should not be used on output.

1.3 Whitespace

The following ASCII characters can be used to indicate whitespace in the protocol:

SPACE (dec 32), HT (dec 9)

In the rest of the specification we use 'space' to denote a whitespace character. On input this may be either a SPACE or a HT. On output only a SPACE should be used.

1.4 Newline Convention

A newline is indicated by a single LF character. Any occurence of a CR character must be discarded on input, both by the engine and the controller. On output either LF or some combination of CR and LF can be used. In syntax descriptions we use \n to indicate a newline.

1.5 Command Structure

A command is exactly one line long, with the syntax

command_name [arguments]

1.6 Response Structure

If successful, the engine returns a response of the form

= result

Here '=' indicates success and result is a piece of text ending with two consecutive newlines.

1.7 Error Messages

If unsuccessful, the engine returns a response of the form

? error_message

Here '?' indicates failure and error_message gives an explanation for the failure, also ending with two consecutive newlines.

1.8 Timing

There are no synchronization requirements between the controller and the engine. The controller may send commands at any time, regardless of whether it has obtained responses for previous commands. The engine may send responses whenever they are ready. It must, however, respond to the commands in the same order as they come in. The engine is allowed to make pauses while sending a response.


Comments can be included in the command stream. All text between a hash sign (#) and the following newline is considered as comments and should be discarded on input.

1.10 Empty lines

Empty lines and lines with only whitespace sent by the controller must be ignored by the engine. No response must be generated. Empty lines and lines with only whitespace sent by the engine and occuring outside a response must be ignored by the controller. Notice that pure comment lines will appear as empty lines after the comment has been discarded.

1.11 Board Coordinates

Board cells, in this document called vertices, are encoded by a letter plus a number. On a 9x9 board the letters go from A to I from the left to the right. The numbers go from 1 to 9, from the bottom to the top. Thus the upper left corner is called A9, the upper right corner I9, the lower left corner A1, and the lower right corner I1. Smaller boards use the obvious subset of these coordinates. Boards larger than 25x25 are not supported by the protocol.

1.12 Panic Situations

If an engine for some reason, e.g. an internal error, finds itself in a position where it cannot meaningfully continue the session, the correct action is to just close the connection. This is also what typically will happen if the program should happen to encounter an uncontrolled crash.

Protocol Details

2.1 Preprocessing

When a command string arrives to an engine, it is expected to perform the following four operations before any further parsing takes place:

Remove all occurences of CR and other control characters except for HT and LF.

For each line with a hash sign (#), remove all text following and including this character.

Convert all occurences of HT to SPACE.

Discard any empty or white-space only lines.

When a response arrives to a controller, it is expected only to do steps 1 and 3 above.

Naturally an implementation does not have to actually do this preprocessing as a separate step but may interleave it with other parts of the parsing. For purposes of the following specifications, though, the preprocessing is supposed to have been carried out in full.

2.2 Simple Entities

2.2.1 Compound Entities

2.3 Commands

A command has one of the syntaxes

command_name arguments\n 

Command_name is a string. arguments is a space separated list of some entities, the composition of which varies with the command. If arguments is missing it counts as empty.

2.4 Success Responses

A successful response has one of the syntaxes


Response is a list of some entities, separated by space or a single LF, the composition of which varies with the command. The response may be empty.

2.5 Failure Responses

An unsuccessful response has the syntax
? error_message\n\n

Error_message is a string.

2.6 Standard Error Messages

If the engine receives an unknown or unimplemented command, use the error message "unknown command". Some commands fail in certain cases with standardized error messages. Those are listed in the command descriptions in section 4. For other failures the engine can freely choose error message.

Internal State

3.1 State Variables

An engine is expected to keep track of the following state information:

    board size
    board configuration
    number of walls of either color
    game history

3.2 Default State

There is no default state for any state variable. When first started, the engine may set these as it likes. A controller which has some specific opinion about these values must set them explicitly with the appropriate commands

3.3 State Maintenance

The state is changed by certain commands, as specified in their description in section 4. State which is not explicitly modified must remain unchanged. A failed command must never change any state.

List of All Commands

4.1 Adminstrative Commands

    arguments 	none
    effects 	none
    output 	name
      	        string* name - Name of the engine
    fails 	never
    comments 	E.g. "IP Quoridor". 
    arguments 	command_name
      	        string command_name - Name of a command
    effects 	none
    output 	known
      	        boolean known - "true" if the command is known by the engine, "false" otherwise
    fails 	never
    comments 	The protocol makes no distinction between unknown commands and known but unimplemented ones. 
		Do not declare a command as known if it is known not to work.
    arguments 	none
    effects 	none
    output 	commands
      	        string& commands - List of commands, one per row
    fails 	never
    comments 	Include all known commands, including required ones and private extensions.
    arguments 	none
    effects 	The session is terminated and the connection is closed.
    output 	none
    fails 	never
    comments 	The full response of this command must be sent before the engine closes the connection.
		The controller must receive the response before the connection is closed on its side.

4.2 Setup Commands

    arguments 	size
      	        int size - New size of the board.
    effects 	The board size is changed. 
		The board configuration, the number of walls of each player, and move history become arbitrary.
    output 	none
    fails 	Syntax error. If the engine cannot handle the new size, fails with the error message "unacceptable size".
    comments 	The controller must call clear_board and walls explicitly. 
		Even if the new board size is the same as the old one, the board configuration and the walls number become arbitrary.
    arguments 	none
    effects 	The board is cleared, the two pawns return to their starting position, 
		the number of walls of each player becomes arbitrary and the move history is reset to empty.
    output 	none
    fails 	never
    arguments 	number_of_walls
          	int number_of_walls - Number of walls for each player.
    effects 	Each player has that number of walls at the beginning.
    output 	none
    fails 	never

4.3 Core Play Commands

    arguments 	where
      	        move where - Color and vertex of the move
    effects 	The player of the requested color is played at the requested vertex. 
    output 	none
    fails 	syntax error, illegal move. In the latter case, fails with the error message "illegal move".
    comments 	Consecutive moves of the same color are not considered illegal from the protocol point of view.
    arguments   placement
      	        wall placement  - Color, vertex and orientation of the wall
    effects 	A wall place at the requested vertex and orientation. Decrease number of wall for that player by one.
    output 	none
    fails 	syntax error, illegal placement. In the latter case, fails with the error message "illegal move".
    comments 	Consecutive moves of the same color are not considered illegal from the protocol point of view.
    arguments 	player
      	        color player - Color for which to generate a move.
    effects 	The engine makes a move or wall placement for the requested color.
    output 	vertex orientation
      	        vertex||string  - Vertex where the move was played or where the wall was placed.
    fails 	never
    comments 	If orientation returned a wall placed, otherwise it's a move.
    arguments 	times (optional)
                int times - how many times to undo
    effects 	The game goes 'times' moves back.
    output 	none
    fails 	If times is greater than moves played or no moves are played. Fails with the error message "cannot undo".

4.4 Tournament Commands

    arguments 	none
    effects 	none
    output      boolean color
    	        boolean - true if game ended, otherwise false
      	        color - It's the color of the winner
    fails 	never

4.5 Debug Commands

    arguments 	none
    effects 	none
    output 	board
      	        string*& board - A diagram of the board position
    fails 	never
    comments 	The engine may draw the board as it likes. 
		It is, however, required to place the coordinates as described in section 1.11. 
		This command is only intended to help humans with debugging and the output should never 
		need to be parsed by another program.

Last Update 18/12/2021